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Brandon ExploresHikingThe Pacific Crest Trail

This is “Mogli”

By May 6, 2014May 7th, 201412 Comments

This is “Mogli”. I have been hiking with “Mogli” and another guy named “Driftwood” for the last two weeks or so. We have been hiking through the Angeles National Forest, heading west to Agua Dulce in order to get ready to cross the Mojave Desert before making our way up into the Sierras shortly after.

The views and climbs over the last couple of days have been spectacular, and very rewarding, as I also reached the 400 mile mark today so I am pretty excited about that as well. That means only 2,200 to go! ;} I can’t wait to see what the last bit of Southern California has in store for us as we make our way west and then north.


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.