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Brandon ExploresGroovyStyleTravel

Every year when the holiday season rolls around I start to get a bit nostalgic for all the things I use to love as a kid.

By December 4, 2015January 13th, 2016No Comments

Every year when the holiday season rolls around I start to get a bit nostalgic for all the things I use to love as a kid. Typically I would go straight for all the sweet things I could get my hands on, and of course all of those cookies and candies, weren’t complete without a big glass of milk. I am reluctant to say, that at the age of 31 not much has changed since then. The only real difference now is that I don’t live in the same state as my family anymore, so any opportunity to get to go home makes for a very special treat. (No pun intended)

With that said I am excited to be partnering with @Expedia to promote their daily giveaway with a chance to win a roundtrip ticket home for the holidays. Follow@Expedia, and post your favorite holiday photo, include the hashtag#ExpediaSendMeHome and tell them why you want to go home for the holidays in 25 words or less for your very own chance to be home this holiday season. Check out@Expedia for all the details!


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.