OMG! I can’t believe it. I submitted a couple of the photos I took while hiking the PCT last year, to the @pctassociation annual photo contest, and won! What an…
Looking through some photos from my thru-hike from last year, for a project I am currently working on. Came across this shot from the Goat Rocks Wilderness in Washington that…
This weekend marks one year since I started my thru-hike on The Pacific Crest Trail. To celebrate we headed six hours south of Chicago, and explored the caves and cliffs…
Yesterday I was out running around recreating scenes from the movie “Ferris Buller’s Day Off” for @hp snapchat: hp_snaps Had a blast hitting up all the classic spots in Chicago,…
Another from Tunnel Falls, in Oregon. You can witness this wonder in all its beauty on The Eagle Creek Trail in Oregon, near the Columbia River Gorge. This is Smiley…
Was reminded by @michael.lewis that we are coming up on a year since we started our thru-hike from Mexico to Canada on the it also reminded me that I still…