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Brandon ExploresHikingThe Pacific Crest Trail

Scary stories to tell in the dark.

By September 3, 201411 Comments

At mile 2,402, and let me tell you those miles did not come easy or uneventful. Over the past couple of days we have had our fair share of rain from Washington State.

Not only has the rain caused some stress, the climbs that the state has to offer are just as ambitious, but even with all those elements being thrown at you, the beauty it presents can’t be denied. I have about 258 miles to go left, and that number scares me as much as it excites me. What to do next? Where to go? Or what to try and accomplish. I have tons of ideas but where to go with those ideas will be an important part of my life I’am sure.

Last night we stayed in an old abandoned weather station, to gain access from the weather that poured on us. It was straight out of a horror movie. I arrived first, to find a back door slightly open with a little beam of light peaking out. I opened the door slowly to find a ramp down to a basement area with an over head light on. I searched around for a bit and some of my hiker buds showed up and we explored a bit more. There was one particular place where we all heard a voice yell “heyyyyyyy” needless to say we all were scared out of our minds and ran back outside to only be greeted with the torrential rain that we original were seeking shelter from at the start.

So we eventually decided to man up and stay in the basement of the haunted abandoned weather station to sleep dry for the night. Over the night we would hear countless amounts of items shifting through out the old structure but we all managed to catch some shut eye eventually. With the light still on I should add. :}


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.