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Brandon ExploresHikingPortraitThe Pacific Crest Trail

The Great American Southwest.

By April 11, 201438 Comments

The Great American Southwest. Today I begin a journey that I never truly thought would become a reality. After months and months of planning it all comes down to this one. simple. moment.

This moment of reflection and pride simultaneously producing a combo of anxieties and excitement that make me feel as if I am going to explode. The anxieties as a result of fear, and the excitements as a result of anticipation, where both will unknowingly provide me with a life lesson I won’t soon forget.

Today I start my thru-hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. A journey that will take me 2,663 miles, through 14,000 feet of elevation, 25 national forests, and 7 national parks. It will take me around 6 months to complete as I walk from the U.S./Mexico border to Manning, B.C., Canada and will be the biggest challenge of my life up to this point.

I will begin my hike in “The Great American Southwest” where many populations and cultures have roamed in search of paradise in a new found land. As I walk across it’s barren and often hot landscape, I look forward to reaching my first destinations of Mt Laguna Lodge, and Warner Springs, in about 7 days time. I am not sure what sits ahead, but I’ll be damned if I’am not going to find out.

This shot was taken by one of my extremity talented friends @elltydd with my edit, on the mountain sides of Riverside, California as I got prepared for this trip. I can’t thank him and his wonderful other half Cara enough for all their hospitality and support! And off we go!


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.