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The CHE team (@chetours) needs your help and support.

By March 18, 2014March 21st, 201419 Comments

The CHE team (@chetours) needs your help and support. On Thursday there will be a public hearing at City Hall to determine if they can get a downtown heliport located in the city or not.

You may ask yourself, “why would that matter to me?” Ever wanted to ride around in a helicopter but don’t have the means to get out to the airports via a car? If the city agrees to let a heliport be placed downtown then that means much easier access to all these magnificent views.

So if you find yourself with some time to show some support for a local Chicago team doing some great things, head on down to City Hall on Thursday to show your support.

City Hall
121 N. Lasalle St
Thursday March 20th at 1pm
#cheloveschicago #chetours


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.