I would like to introduce you to Knut –@knutinthetower This guy right here symbolizes everything great that I love in this city. Hard work and determination, with a great attitude. . . I had the pleasure of getting a personal tour of one of the crane operations currently constructed and operated in the “River North” part of #Chicago. It was a mind blowing new perspective on some of the work that goes into the newest additions to the skyline of Chicago. An educational adventure that came complete with spectacular 360 views atop a massive man made structure in our beautiful city!
At one point during my tour of the massive crane that we were standing on top of, it was pointed out to me that the crane was actually moving while we were standing on top. . It was also pointed out to me that the movement allowed you to see a straight down view of the streets below, as well as the actual building that was being constructed beneath us.
When you are walking on top of a crane 60+ stories above a city, you start to feel so detached from everything else that’s happening on the streets and buildings below. You feel suspended in air and time, and at that moment nothing else matters.
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