On one of the last days we got an opportunity to saddle up and take on the streets and backcountry trails of The Tequila, Jalisco area.
Was a surreal experience to ride along as one of the younger fellows whipped his rope around In a lasso formation, practicing for a tournament that they were to compete in later in the day.
We watched as they gave us demonstrations of some of their most technical moves, including fully standing up on one of the horses while jumping through lassos and performing other rope tricks.
The experience made me feel like I was truly a part of my surroundings at that moment, and transplanted my mind from my seemingly normal life to the life of a western adventurer.
Not going to lie, I kinda felt like genuine cowboy for a moment, and I didn’t mind it one bit at all. #TequilaTourism #TequilaReservaDeLaFamilia #NatgeoTequila
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@pauloctavious 🖖🏼☺️💞 I love this place
This brings back memories. Thanks for sharing the great shot!!!
@robear_af so glad it takes yah back to where ever it takes yah! Haha always love that feeling, and I really appreciate the kind words! What an experience this was! Cheers to yah!
I love your pictures man! You hit me at heart with these Mexico pics. Awi wi. What camera do you use?
@hector_rubio thank you so much. Seriously it’s nice to hear that others enjoy what I produce as I spend so so much time on capturing photos and editing them and thinking about them. So it means a lot. I am glad these are giving you some good vibes and feelings, cause that’s what it’s all about. As for the camera, right now I am on. @canonusa 7D Mark II with some fixed prime lenses. Cheers to yah
@greenjameseii @packer_liz really appreciate the share! Cheers to yah both! ✌🏼️