Sometimes in order to observe change, you have to make change in your own life. I have always had a desire to explore the things that no one else dare to venture to. I feel completely lucky to have this natural motivator, talking into my ear telling me to explore everything. Nothing is off limits when your looking to fill that void of the unknown. But then again, I guess that’s what change is all about. The temporary un comfort of seeking that fulfilling thing that keeps you moving forward.
Another stunning (epic) vantage point!
What?!? So sick
@jen_seiser Thanks Jen! This got a bit hairy.
@esse_r Many many thanks for the kind words! Was a lot of fun taking this!
@itsromant Thanks man!
Is that your job?
If so cool!
That is 111 Wacker right??
Insanely good Mr. Rooftop
Wow…this is AWESOME!!!
Whoa! Outta hand man!
This is insane. @davidbowers13
Love it!
Another amazing shot;) So cool!!
Wooooah those colors
@brandonexplores stunning shot!
@seba_holland CONCHETUMAREEE
So dope!
Dude…beyond amazing. Please keep posting more like this.
“Wow” doesn’t sum it up. Gorgeous shot!
Damn epic
I think I see Batman in there…
@joepo check it!
Wow! So beautiful♡
Dayum!! This is awesome @brandonexplores
Damn game over.
Fuck. Stunning.
@jerry_berg it’s not my job, but I guess you could say photography is my job. And in that case, then the answer would be yes. It is is my job. :]
@mark__z shhhhh
@dannymota Thanks Danny! Had lots of fun getting this shot.
@chitown43 ✌️
@mas5889 Many many thanks! Had a blast getting this shot!
Love my city!!
@jeko_1 haha thanks man! Not going to lie this got a bit hairy at spots.
@bobbi12781 Thanks much for the share, and word! Appreciate it!
Ha! Yeah I’m sure.
@thobanj Thanks man! Had some fun on this one!
@zeitvogel Thanks so much! Really appreciate the kind words!
@comet_dust Thanks Ed! Appreciate it! Love your feed
@hazel_eyes_7177 Many many thanks! Had lots of fun getting this one!
@nois7 Thanks Robert, really appreciate that man! Got lucky. The fog was rolling through really nice so managed to get some if that in as well. More to come!
@ellozuby Thanks
@snel_lens Many many thanks for the likes, and kind words!
@ledarwine Thanksksksksksks
@franky_hollywood Thanks much!
@thara_photo Thanks Tim! Appreciate it man. More of this to come for sure!
@jennifer_meliss Thanks so much!
@laniemiec haha thanks!
@susiedde Thanks much!
@erichinesphotography Thanks Eric! This was insane to get to, but obviously the view paid off!
@cdaviesaz Many many thanks! ✌️
@brandondeno haha I am@certain I saw him. ;]
@biancaprieto Thanks much! Appreciate that.
@samnagele Appreciate that!
@nandobastos ✌️
@mark__z @joepo thanks for the support and shares!
@juliaquilici ✌️
@loba_919 It was a breathtaking experience all together.
@focuspriority Thanks man! Followed yah back over on 500px! Thanks for the support.
@nosajthang haha, but… It’s just the beginning.
AMAZING lights ❤️❤️
@chicagomatt Thanks Matt! This got kinda sketchy!
@nalovic Many many thanks to you.
@turkishdlyte She’s a beaut isn’t she? ;]
@mbh2000ar we are lucky here in Chicago, most buildings participate in color coordinated lighting!
Wow, indeed!!!
Nice pic!!
Are you serious ? So so incredible bro , excellence
@oliverzcohen Thanks so much!
@aglet Thanks Sara! This one got a little hairy.
@kussmark Many many thanks!
@mrarnaldo18 Many many thanks! I really appreciate it!
@hksty Thanks much!
@waddy722 haha so serious. And thanks buddy! I appreciate it!
You must not have a fear of heights! Cool shot.
Ha! There’s this crane in Miami I’ve been eyeing but that would just crazy.
be crazy…
#chicago #chitecture #trib2013 #builtforchicago @nike #nikefuel #nikefuelband
@clfay I use to think I did, but soon realized I actually didn’t. After that all hell broke loose. Haha Thanks much!
@jimmytejada sometimes yah got to get kinda crazy.
@wallydeere haha ✌️
Atmospheric! Awesome! Can almost feel n hear it. Scares me a little too
I can’t get away from the Trump but it’s such a beautiful shot!!
I love this shot. Not sure how long you’ve been holding onto it but it’s pretty amazing
@craw4d Thanks Jason! Took this Friday night. :] got some more coming! Was a wild adventure.
@theharson Thanks much! Always appreciate it.
@nancidouthit Many thanks! Was a fun adventure.
@katrin_p_01 ✌️
@maggieo_may Thanks much for the kind words! This was a wild adventure, but much like you said the sounds and views made it all worth while!
@bisoye_ ✌️
@mandy91984 no one can get away from the Trump. :] many many thanks!
Great shot!
@ari_weiss Thanks much! Had lots of fun getting to this spot. Hardest work yet, but well worth the climb.
Incredible! I’m not sure I would have been able to stop shaking long enough to compose the shot. Scary indeed haha!
Sick shot!
Ill shot
This is a gorgeous shot
Whoa! Nice shot.
@nonnoparmiro #mecoioni