Another from Tunnel Falls, in Oregon. You can witness this wonder in all its beauty on The Eagle Creek Trail in Oregon, near the Columbia River Gorge. This is Smiley from Israel, taking it all in. Smiley became one of my closer friends while hiking the last year. I miss it every day.
#thepacificcresttrail #pct2014 #pct #nature #tunnelfalls #eaglecreek #trail #hike #thruhike #travelzoo #wildernessculture #peoplescreatives #natgeocreative #beautiful #waterfalls #portrait #people #pctstories #wild #cherylstrayed #oregon #exploremore
Come hike it again with us this year
@ellozuby thank you much
@atomicchelsea haha don’t tempt me! I have plans to do parts again for sure!
@megbacker add to the list?
Many long distance hikers here on the East coast are experiencing #SpringerFever. (Amazing shot)