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14,505 feet above the sea.

Another shot from the top of Mt. Whitney. Now that I am back and an active part of civilization again, I will be posting the full frames of my shots, both on my website as well as on my 500px page. Links below for the curious. Cheers!


Transplant from the south, now living in the great city of Chicago. Designer and explorer, always looking for the next big adventure. Thru-hiked The Pacific Crest Trail 2014.


  • #thepacificcresttrail #pacificcresttrail #pct2014 #pct #explorethepct #summit #sunset #dusk #cloudporn #hike #california #nature #beautiful #adventure #betheadventure #explore #fun #mountains

  • yesssss! I did that last year! actually…I did only 13k and got altitude sickness so pretty that just makes me a giant failure.

  • @musclesmarinara haha no way does that make you a giant failure, if anything it makes you a complete badass that you climbed up 13,000 feet up the side of a gigantic mountain! Most people wouldn’t even dare try something like that. Besides, there is nothing easy about a climb at those elevations. I would however suggest a second go at it, as the views from the top are breathe taking! Cheers mate